Today is Maid Day, Apparently
Welcome to VShojo+! A thread to discuss VShojo, and any vtubers frequently associated with them.
Yesterday Zen watched paint dry for about 3 hours. That's it. That's the stream. Special guests included Shylily and Haruka but the majority of the stream was really and truly watching paint dry. In more exciting news Mel had another episode of Lewdcast yesterday with Finana of NijiEN! It was a great time all told and there was a lot of interesting discussions had even if Melody lied by saying that the most embarrassing thing she's ever shoved inside of her was a Wiimote. While the discussion overall was fun it can't be understated how willing Finana was in exploring new things. She went from not knowing that dragons fucking cars was a thing to humbly requesting fanart of herself engaging in it under the justification that she's at least part dragon. No idea if that's been done yet but she was pretty adamant about it so I'd expect that to pop up in her art tag sometime soon. Overall a very fun stream and a good VOD to check out if you missed it live.
That was the biggest thing last night but Mouse did have another general hangout stream because her hand is still fucked up and probably will be for some time. But she did list off the next several guests for Speak of the Devil which is something to look forward to! This Friday she plans on having Asmongold on stream and there's a very solid possibility that the stream will end with her convincing him to give vtubing a try in much the same way her first collab with Ludwig and even Takahata way back in the day did. Next week is open but she messaged Zen live on stream to ask since next week is a huge massive debut for the soon-to-be-former dragon. No word on if that's confirmed yet but even if not the following week will be Merry from Merryweather comics, and the first week of June is planned to be Mysta from NijiEN! So there's plenty going on for her in the future to look forward to and let's just hope that this Friday's episode doesn't turn into a yab machine.
As for today Zen is clearly getting antsy about the upcoming debut. Today is yet another stream with no clear focus and a lot of flip flopping between games while looking for things to do. Later today the pink cat is expected to show up with an announcement that should be known to everyone by now, and Mouse will be around later tonight as well. Anyone else will remain a mystery so enjoy whatever's confirmed to come and everything that's not by making sure to keep things comfy ignoring and reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.
VShojo is:
Froot - - - - - - - - Generals:
>>>/vt//nyan/ & >>>/vt//vei/ for more focused discussion on those two>>>/vt//lig/ if you crave more + and ++ discussionPrevious thread: