>>7540682 >もしもし!
>"Uhh...911? I was stabbed just now near the local supermarket at Lincoln street"
>ええ ええ ...難しいですね
>"W-What? I'm..I'm bleeding, please send help, i'"
>*sounds of plates crashing* いいえ!タイガちゃん! やめろ!
>W-Whats going..Please, i'm losing a lot of blood I-
>*wheezing sounds*
>I can't feel my legs, please...Lincoln street, near the-
>これはとても奇妙です。 なぜそんなに多くの電話を受けるのですか? 画面上のそのライトは何ですか?
>*coughing* p-please..s-someone..
>*sends an ambulance from the other side of the town*
>*beep beep*