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Catsudan stuff 1/3
Okayu has more energy in her voice today. She thinks it's because she didn't take any naps today like she normally does. She didn't have to get up early in the morning either though. She thinks her voice sounds similar to the way it did for her 3D live, and she had a similar sleep schedule that day too.
>Talking to Subaru
Is she sleepy? She was, but she talked to Subaru while preparing for her stream, and they got fired up by talking to each other. What did they talk about? Golden Kamuy, of course! Subaru's on the the 25th volume currently, so she's read almost all that's out. Subaru also asked about "Nekomata Okazu", and called Okayu crazy for calling herself that. She thanks everybody for making that name trend, by the way.
Okayu really liked the Coco edit of her from the meme review. She thinks the 2P color of her makes her look like a gyaru, and calls her Gyayu. She thinks she'd be the nice kind of gyaru who always flirts with Otaku-kun. She'd end up looking for employment after school, while Otaku-kun pursued higher education. In the end, she'd confess before they all separated at graduation. She thinks it's moe.
Chat tells Okayu that nobody says moe anymore. She's shocked. Really? Well, some people still say it, but most don't. She concedes that she doesn't see it written so much anymore, but Okayu still says it to herself though.
Okayu was surprised by how many of him she saw during the meme review. There were YAGOO she had never seen before, and she wonders where some of the pictures came from. The people who made stuff on reddit seemed pretty skilled, so could they have been artificial YAGOO?
Okayu had only had a few interactions with Coco on stream before, so this was a new experience for her. She says Coco is easy to talk to, and very kind. She has an Onee-san feeling to her. She said this in the previous stream too, also that besides Shion and Aqua, everybody felt like an Onee-san to her(Subaru feels like an Onee-san who's just barely younger). Coco actually resembles Okayu's old friend, Flower Lady Onee-san a lot. Well, maybe not the BL part, but they did both talk about assholes; so that's another similarity. She also really likes Coco's story about Papadragon and twitter.
>Temanyan's first fever
Temari's appetite went down a bit, she felt warmer to Okayu, and she seemed a bit subdued, so Okayu took her to the vet. Temari's had a fever from vaccinations before, but never from catching a cold. Okayu took her to a new vet, since she's moved since the last time. It seems like she was fine though; she was given medicine and told to bring her back if the fever got worse. Okayu currently hides her medicine in her chuuru, and hasn't been found out yet.
>Brave Temanyan
When Temari got a shot as a kitten, she didn't react, so Okayu assumed she just didn't notice. Because of that, she felt fine volunteering her for another, instead of just taking medicine by mouth. Once again, Temari was real calm, so Okayu thinks she must just pretend to not notice. Everybody there said Temari was very well behaved, and asked if she was always this calm; though Okayu told them she was usually a little more energetic.
>Okayu and needles
Okayu's terrible with shots. It's not the pain, but the anticipation, and looking at the needle enter her skin. She usually ends up looking away during the process, and gets laughed at. She also really doesn't like the sight of her own blood
>Temari's grown
The last time Okayu took Temari to the vet, she weighed about 2 kilos; this time she weighed 4. Okayu was moved at how much she's grown. It seems like she probably won't grow any more from here though, she's an adult now. Somebody asks if she's ever peed on anything. Okayu says, other than peeing on Okayu one time while sleeping, she's never peed on the carpet, bed, or sofa.