>>20804980A bit smaller, but just slightly - the longest straight line on land that you can draw would probably be ~1300km. The red lines and numbers mark the horizontal and vertical length of the island (more or less), as well as the range of latitude, while the blue circle is the Chill Zone (TM).
The entire mountain, based on
>>20803054, will be icecap climate by definition since it seems permanently frozen. Admittedly, the wording can be interpreted in different way, but if its precipitation is always snow, it's safe to assume the ground will be frozen almost all the time as well. From the bottom of the mountain to the edge of the Chill Zone, there will be more or less a series of roughly circular, concentric climate zones, from the centre to edge:
-Icecap (EF)
-Tundra (ET)
-Subarctic (Dfd~Dfc), rainfall is sparse both because of the low temperate and the permanent high pressure zone preventing wetter air from flowing in, although seasonal temperature change is still observable, meaning that rings outside of this will differ between the north and south.
-North: Continental (Dfb~Dfa) / South: Subtropical highland (Cwc~Cwb), the difference mostly due to rainfall pattern, with the south receiving a lot of rain during summer
-North: Cool semi-arid (BSk) / South: Subtropical monsoon(Cwa), with differences similar to above, this is also probably where the Chill Zone ends, and the surrounding area has temperature pattern mostly unaffected by it.
It should be noted that depending on local topography, the range of each zone can be fairly small, and some might not be distinct enough to have a noticeable effect, but it could still affect rainfall patterns, mostly in the form of making the area between Mt. Mori and the eastern ridge dry all-year.