>>66002657Let's see:
https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/section-155.html>155 (1) Every one commits incest who, knowing that another person is by blood relationship his or her parent, child, brother, sister, grandparent or grandchild, as the case may be, has sexual intercourse with that person.https://www.criminal-code.ca/criminal-code-of-canada-section-4-5-definition-of-sexual-intercourse/index.html>any penetration, whether vaginal, anal or oral, is considered sexual intercourse under the Criminal Code of Canada, once there is even the slightest degree of penetration.>This section can also apply in cases where penetration occurred through the use of an object or body part other than the penis.https://www.criminal-code.ca/criminal-code-of-canada-section-155-1-incest/index.html>Another consideration is the burden of proof. The prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the sexual intercourse occurred between the parties. This can be challenging in incest cases as there may not be any witnesses. As a result, evidence is paramount in these cases, such as DNA or other scientific evidence. Interviews with family members or discussions with therapists might also provide critical information. They'll never admit sex, nor there will be any evidence of it unless a third party literally breaks into their house with a video camera during sex. And even if they blurt out something. They could always just say it was a joke. I'm not sure how far they go in Canada to prosecute based on unverifiable stories, but it does happen in 1st world sexual assault cases when involved parties disagree. In incest though, where there are no victims and the prosecutor is a third party, it should be basically impossible to sue them. Who is a third party to tell what somebody did. Even DNA tests won't work because they are identical twins, lol.
Something to consider, Canada looks to be among the first western countries getting into government mass-surveillance, so smartphones and other smart appliances might become a risk in the future, especially if there's public suspicion of incest.