Anyway schedule time. Currently live:
Momo - Doing a rave dance party in VR Chat. The outfits are coombait and they're with some other girl and some guy I don't recognize. - Momo's hanging out with Bunny so view it from your favorite perspective they're both together and flirting real hard. else tonight since Mouse canceled. So tomorrow:
Mel - CB scheduled, followed by Twitch. No info on either so I assume standard CB stuff followed by just hanging out on Twitch
Mouse - Fan art showcase. Assuming she feels better which I'm assuming she will be and just needed an extra break this week.
Vei - Said she'd be playing more Zomboid tomorrow so hope she follows through on that. Would also love to see her talk about DND.
Zen? - No schedule but Zen's a trooper in streaming. Hopefully.
Froot? - Maybe. Weekends seem more likely but who knows.
Silver's on break and I don't recall if it was going to be for 1 or 2 weeks. If it's 1 then Sunday should be the last day. Nyan takes Saturdays off. Hime fell into a black hole and was erased from reality.
If I got anything wrong or forgot something then quote this shit so we're all up to date.