>>6805101I want to do the nastiest shit with her, the most intimate private things, share the insides of our bodies with each other, i mean real dirty, like her shitting on my chest dirty and smearing it over her flat breasts and nipples dirty. I mean like life changing sex, orgasming together so hard that a new timeline splits off with it's own new mandela effect n shit. Cum so deep into her intestines that every jew on the planet suddenly blinks out of existence. Her convulsing legs as she squirts piss fucking everywhere. Literally Kana Piss dripping from the ceiling. The entire apartment complex smells so bad of piss shit and cum that they have to evacuate all the residents. By the time I'm done with her, she'll be over her fear of flushing toilets, will be able to burp freely, and will finally love herself as a streamer and entertainer and will finally love herself as a person. I want to yank on her collar so hard while I'm mating pressing her that we fucking time travel, throat fuck her so roughly that every collar and choker within a 100 mile radius suddenly snap, every cage slams open, every zoo suddenly releases all their animals. I'm talkin 12 monkeys type shit. Covered in piss and shit we'll reset the entire fucking universe.