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Ehh. I tried giving her a shot after I'd heard her name-dropped once or twice, but she's honestly kinda self-defeating in her delivery.
>Pauses vids mid-sentence to give some commentary that ranges from 3 seconds to 30 minutes
>Insists on doing this every 10 seconds of video
>When she doesn't pause, it's a cacophany of the video, her talking, and the chat bot talking.
I get that this is part of the shit you have to deal with when livestreaming, but just turn the chat bot volume down a little and let the people in the video finish their sentence/thought before giving your own commentary. Use their inserted fluff time between talking points to your advantage. The other suggestion I would give, though I kind of doubt her attention span would allow it, is to make some non-twitch vids that give a sort of post-mortem of videos she particularly (dis)liked but require more thought than knee-jerk reactions. Just link the original video and maybe some timestamps for the points she addresses and give a thoughtful redress devoid of interruptions from chat or her own adhd. They don't have to be particularly long post-mortems, just something where she obviously stewed on it and potential ramifications instead of stream-of-consciousness.
Just my two cents, whatever that's worth from an internet rando.