>>23312772Really fucking wish I had photo proof,but I couldn't bring my phone to my deployment.ill do it faggoty reddit style to make it look clean
>Soldier in the us army>Get sent to Kabul last year for evacuations>First week was hell,refugees shit,kids getting killed and everything right in front of us >Our final week in country was spent on the flight line with our generals personal vehicles,waiting to transport them.>Moral at an all time low since we've been doing constant 12 hour shifts,seeing refugees slaughtered almost everyday.>One night I notice On the flight line there is a porta potty on the edge of the FOB.>Gotta take shit.avi>Run my bony ass to the John, there's no toilet paper.>Use some random paper I find in my wallet>Before I throw it away,I glance the shit covered printout and see it's my personal pic of gura I keep in my wallet.>Thoughts of anger turn to very odd lust,as I somehow find the thought of loli shark covered in shit .>Wrap literal gura scat porn around my sweat covered dusty cock,and beat it like a cuckbeat beats his mori merch after she tweets.>Bullet actually flies thru the top of the porta,since the FOB walls were low as hell and gunfire was constant throughout the night.>After 5 minutes ejaculate a load so big cunny jaws herself could have gotten pregnant from the splash radius.>Take one last look at my shame before tossing it and heading back to our vehicles on the flight line.>I could very well be the last us soldier in history to every jack off in Afghanistan, and it was to a picture of gura covered in my own shit.Pic related is most proof I have,any shame I've felt about this is now long off my chest,and cock.