>>42637952Glad you like it! It's a bit of a pain photoshopping out her clipping hair...
>>42647692In retrospect, Gonzalez would've made an infinitely better censor than an ogey, nice one
>>42639372That's because the card I sent isn't exactly HentaiOtaku's card, but an edit from a user that has since deleted their account. The changes I noted are a change of the haircolor to match the ears and slight eye touchups. The card's slightly broken, I admit -- only the "In School" is the HentaiOtaku-looking one. You should be able to edit the eyes to your liking by modifying the "eye overlays".
On a separate note, how did you get the "rurudo dress" zipmod working? It's showing up as invisible to me. Also, I think the dress is a bit shifted up looking at the example images.