>>86526791You can use the ffprobe exe to look into the details of the file
Picrel, on yours, it does seem that the duration is indeed 1:00:08, and I don't know whether the actual stream was 1.5 hrs or not, but that's what's in the file
To add to what
>>86526901 said, the audio codec is aac, which you can use something like ffmpeg -i input.ts -vn -acodec copy output.m4a to extract just the audio
I figured a lot of this out just by searching what I wanted to do and appending 'ffmpeg' into the search, so something you might want to do further is
Create a jpg thumbnail from the first <x> seconds of the video: ffmpeg -i input.ts -vframes 1 -an -s 1280x720 -ss x output.jpg (-s to define dimension of the image, -ss for time in seconds)
Then you can combine the m4a w/ the jpg using: ffmpeg -i output.m4a -i output.jpg -c copy -disposition:v attached_pic m4awthumb.m4a
At least, that's my process. There's also ways to extract stuff already embedded etc but honestly everything is easy enough to google if you have the 'tism and time to spare