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My goal is to become a millionaire. Nevermind how.
Once I have that, I find a girl like Shiori. Nerdy, alt, weird. I hit it off with her without revealing my wealth. I undersell how much my job pays me.
We date but I make it clear that I dislike her interests. I make sure to telegraph, without outright saying it, that I find them disgusting. This makes her uneasy and not convinced that she should pursue a more intimate relationship.
I take her on a tropical vacation. She asks how I got first class tickets. I just tell her I splurged a little. We stay at a five star hotel. She's in awe at the accommodations. Thorough the vacation we visit various shops and fancy restaurants; day by day I crank up the amount of money I spend on her, until she asks what's up with that. Then I reveal that I'm actually quite wealthy. I make sure this happens right before I pay for some luxury that demonstrates just how easy her life would be with me.
On the last day of the vacation I propose to her, I swear that I make her happy, without mentioning money in any capacity. She's sure to accept. The following night, drunk off expensive wine, we have crazy sex during which I'm particularly rough with her body and use a lot of demeaning dirty talk that dehumanizes her.
We marry and I spend the following years remodeling her: we get rid of the hair dye, the piercing, the goth clothing, I put her on a diet and make her go to the gym. We clear her Youtube/Spotify playlists, all that music is weird. We throw out her manga and VNs, she won't be needing those anymore. And she'll be happy.