Soon™ Edition
Welcome to VShojo+, the place to discuss all things VShojo and their closest associates.
Mousey is live right now and was supposed to be playing Jump King and suffering until she finishes it, donating 5 subs every fall (which should render her penniless in an hour), but she's having a shit time with a cold since getting her plasma on Monday so that's not happening. Expect cozy and chill and maybe short stream. Sucks, but that's life.
Please see the previous thread OP for updates on the latest news. The only update since then is that Z3N shall launch on May 20th and Lord Aethelstan and Merrydog is very hype for Veibae's lore video drop tomorrow which is.... Soon™.
Anyway, say stafe, eat something delicious, keep on rocking, and I love you! Oh baby won't you poop my butthole! Hmm? Uwah! Fuck-uh! Also remember to be positive, ignore bait, and be excellent to one another!
VShojo is:
Froot - - - - - - - - thread: