>>6110756No? The cost went up because you put your fucking profits from selling back into the coin. Before you profited from selling, now you're breaking even, that's what the MPP is telling you.
>>6110806I get that FIFO is preferable for some people but weighted average is a lot more practical here. Honestly it's down to personal preference but calling it useless doesn't make sense. Since you were tracking perishables it makes sense to assume you were selling the oldest first (or rather I hope you were) but in this case they're homogenous coins and when they were purchased doesn't matter. The way nasfaq is doing it is how I'd do it, you assume you're selling from all the boxes you have in your inventory at once, not from a single individual box. You can balloon your costs by buying/selling repeatedly in cycles, but that reflects reality. I don't know which damn box I've sold from so I just average them out. In your case, yes, if you've sold from the first box then calculating things the way nasfaq does it doesn't make sense but since they're homogenous and when each item in inventory was purchased doesn't really matter.
>>6110819Weighted average is blind to player fuckups, yes. That's one of its detractors but nonetheless fact of the matter is that after you've purchased that coin at a high price, the cost of your inventory has gone higher. It indicates that because of your fuckup, the profit margin you get from selling all your goods is lower than had you not fucked up.
Before the purchase, you had 2 coins at MPP of 2k. Market price is, let's call it 11k so the numbers work out here to give you an MPP of 5k. The profit margin before you fucked up was (2*11k - 2*2k)/22k = 18k/22k = 82%. After you fucked up the profit margin on your entire inventory is (3*11k - 3*5k)/33k = 55%. We can even calculate it out individually and it'll give you the same answer. Point is, after that purchase you've made MPP is telling you the truth, your profit margin after selling all the coins has gone down.
>>6111041I had a semester of accounting, I am by no means a financial expert and this is not financial advice.
>>6111151I get perpetual WAC is a little unusual but it's not like it doesn't make any sense here. That's my argument at least. But who knows I'm not a fucking accountant I just took a semester of that in college so I could do my taxes.