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Speaking from experience, I have a theory:
>our dark queen got the cold from her friend/coworkers
>she unwittingly ate some tainted food and couldn't taste anything off about it cuz cold
>next morning, cold takes a 1-2 day intermission
>she erupts from both ends during this time
>one end (the diarrheal end) causes the UTI either by:
>a) she wiped a bit too far with the TP and smeared shit on her pussy
>b) in her first post-diarrhea bath, some shit particles floated from her butt to her urethra (and throughout the water) and bam
>that just leaves the herpes, which could've also come from her friend/coworker sneezing on her food/sharing a drink with her
There you have it. La+ is pure. Not whore.