>>1208923I don't rig since it isn't a valuable enough skill for me to put time into. It's more profitable for me to focus on what I'm already a professional at then spend a year learning how to do actually GOOD rigging. Average rigging is not enough.
I have designed and drawn one monster before. It was a successful, but truthfully stressful experience since it required a lot of learning. The biggest problem for monster designs is two things-
1- Finding an artist that will not be repulsed by your offer. For some reason, people really hate monsters, and I assume that is because a lot of artists like to stay in their comfort zone. After my experience I can see why that would be the case, but honestly I pride myself a lot on any modeling job.
2- FINDING A FUCKING RIGGER. Good fucking luck. There is only one monster rigger I know of and it's definitely going to cost anyone to have something decent made, my own client hasn't even had their model rigged so I can't confirm the quality you could get with whoever I recommend.
Seriously good luck to you man. I love monsters, but they're rough since this is such an unstable and experimental market.