>>90317495>>1 corinthians 6:12-14>>1 corinthians 6:17-19>you're twisting the words of the Lord and adding your own, what you said does not line up with the Words of GodWhere in that am I twisting it? Sexual sin is sinning against the body, and the body, of a believer, has the Holy Spirit dwelling in them, becoming a temple of God
>especially:>>masturbation is sexual immorality because you're sinning against your own fleshSexual sin is sinning against the body, sexual sin is sinning in the context of sexuality, sin is deviating from/transgression God's design/law, sexuality was created for the purpose of reproduction and to enjoy in the context of a covenant of marriage to strengthen the bond between husband and wife, thus, using your sexuality in anyway other than that is deviating from God's intent and design for your sexuality
It's cut-clear, masturbation is sexual sin, and because you're masturbating while imagining or viewing material then it becomes sexual immorality as well, because you're engaging in adultery(in your heart) with the focus of the material
>inb4, but they're fictional, I'm real and they're not!They're still real, just not real ideas in the real world, but imagined ideas in the real world, it's still real
If you lust after a drawing of big boobs or after a real picture of real big boobs then it's still sexual lust, which is sinful
In the same manner, whether it's a drawn child or a real child, aside from aesthetics, it's still a child, and lusting sexually after a drawn image of a child is still lusting after a child
Does this make sense? It should, lest you're not concerned with the truth, but with being right, and this should at least challenge your viewpoint on it
Hope this helps, God bless you and may you repent of your errs