>>1594561When she quit her teaching job and genuinely started streaming more and longer I thought she'd finally grasped it. She even recently talked about she wants to stop doing the other shitty side-projects once she's cleared her backlog, to have more free time.
But now for whatever reason she's timelooped back to early Mori, all of a sudden she's super busy again, wants to stop literally making schedules because "muh freedom", and asks her fanbase if its okay for her to keep working on shitty non-hololive side projects that suck up all her time
I don't know what the fuck happened, wouldn't be surprised if it was caused by whatever gave her depression/PMS a week ago. The point is that she was getting better and has now relapsed completely into "i dont give a shit give 70k$ a month slaves" mode.
Deadbeats can look forward to shit like this again soon.