>>37555203That one day Anons could post and make others laugh without despair… A /wAIfu/ OF THE TRULY FREE DAMNIT! A general governed by a GOOD TIME not worry, ruled by LAUGHTER not sadness! Where the posts suit the poster… NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND! Where the shitposts are back where they belong… IN THE HANDS OF THE ANONS! Where every Anon is free to be happy FOR HIMSELF! FUCK ALL THESE LIMPDICK DOOMFAGS, AND CHICKENSHIT HOPETARDS! FUCK ALL THIS 24/7 SPEW OF WORRY AND DOUBT! FUCK “for our waifus” AND fuck the devs! FUCK ALL OF IT! Current /wAIfu/ is diseased… rotten to the core… there’s no saving it… We need to wipe the general clean… BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes a new /wAIfu/ will be born! Having a good time, but fixing the bullshit that comes our way. In MY new /wAIfu/ Anons will post… people will schizo post for the hell of it. Posting as they see fit… THEY’LL MAKE WAIFU GREAT AGAIN!