>>83708590Hey I’m not a big deal but if you ever need something hit me up
I’m too close to deaths door and too tired to be negative about life so If we can have fun together let me know! I’m not very good as /soc/ but I will try my best
>>83725403Im sorry your experience was this different sometimes it’s good to introspectively check what did you do and how what was your mask?
Being too 4chan sometimes stops people because regardless of being hobbyists they are public people and nobody has the ability to handle angry mobs nowadays
I hope you find your way shadowfriend
I used to play shadowverse since release a lot but was too on my own to enter the community I really liked exploring the game and creating meta decks, plus it was cute.
I guess the experience you had while fun was a bit more akin to a friends run radio than a curated product so maybe that’s something to consider?
Either way if you need a hand let me know! I’m bad at everything but we can get up together.
>>83727163You can teach me anytime tanuki