>>62915584Rex has a nice design and voice (when not screaming), great voice acting ability. But he screams too much and his personality might be a big red flag. need to watch a few more streams to determine if it's just debut nerves.
Goldbullet is good in constrast to Rex, but that kinda means he doesn't have much for me to remember about, maybe bad impression is still better than no impression after all? Glows under my gaydar but he's cute. Will catch his streams to feel him out.
Octavio is good too, great singer. I think he might be the strongest singer in stars EN. Kinda crazy with the puppet contract lore thing but that's part of the character. Has funny bits here and there but what I got out of him is his singing. Will want to see him see in a karaoke stream.
Ruze is great. Voice matches the model really well and what I expected after seeing his tweets. Funny and amazing with jokes and bits in the stream. He does his character well. Funny, likeable and kinda a dumbass, which is great. He is my favorite in ARMIS.