Otsonny!! Obvious spoilers ahead. Our journey has come to a close quicker than I thought... We rewatched the intro cutscene one last time and it's actually a pretty cool feeling to have context for the various things that happen in it, from alva's rocket, to solomon's chuuni shit and the miasma itself. Things get kind of messy at the end of Eastward now that we're finally in charon and have to save Sam. There's a lot of "lasts" here: last real dungeon, last save, last shopkeeper, last cooking... wtf is fruity meat stew? John makes his way to the charon museum where he is disarmed by a robot that explains to us that sex is no longer a necessity in this new world with human factories (much to sonny's dismay), and we take a trip down memory lane in some kind of flashback sequence... honestly there's too much happening in this last leg of the game to give a play-by-play of things like I sometimes do, but I did enjoy how cinematic it was. There were a couple difficult enemies (and a very cool swordfight with a disillusioned Isabel) but it was a more story-driven finale as opposed to the ultimate challenge that forces you to use everything you've learned like some games have. He really only died a few times, I think the mini boss zombie things gave him more trouble than the final boss did KEK. After a pretty neat fight against a robo-dragon thing with sam (mother?) inside and a banger soundtrack, we think we've saved her but apparently it wasn't enough and Sam ends up sacrificing herself to stop her evil other half and the miasma... at least they both know it wasn't really goodbye. I thought there was some made in heaven bullshit for some reason but apparently it was just a timeskip...? You know what... at least there was a "happy" ending, John and Sam are technically reunited and that's what matters to me. Post credits scene with william and daniel is cute too.
In the end, while it's by no means perfect, I really enjoyed Eastward looking back. It frustrated me (and sonny) at times and the ending was kind of stupid but I found myself getting emotional anyways... I guess any journey coming to an end can make you feel that way. I'm glad Sonny liked the game too. I mostly agree with all of the criticisms (and praise) he gave in his post-game review— slightly messy story with unanswered questions, lot of filler, surprisingly good gameplay, and of course, phenomenal art direction that carried hard. I definitely think I'd have been less willing to sit through Eastward if it wasn't so pretty, but it was eye candy almost the whole way through with beautiful spritework and color palettes. I'd agree that 7/10 is a pretty accurate rating... honestly I'd like to see some sort of sequel or spiritual successor with more of that same art style and a more cohesive story, but enough about me. It's another game finally crossed off his debut list and we technically have two more to go since he said he probably won't play DBZ kakarot! It's encouraging to hear he also has a secret new list of potential games for the future, with hades and DMC(!!) being up there. I do wonder what story-focused game he'll start next to play alongside okami... while I'm looking forward to more VA I will always and forever miss "JAHN!" Thank you for a fun stream sonny-otousan, I'm looking forward to making a lot more memories with you no matter what you decide to play in the future. I am miffed there's probably no POV for Roblox but it's not completely unexpected... at least okami is tomorrow too. Sleep well and see you soon! o7
>>46111199This is true! Part of the fun is projecting fantasies onto him no matter what kind of role he submerges himself into for a game LUL. I will miss my single father but I welcome the era of wanchan with open arms.