>>46033429That's fair. The metastuff is not for everyone and it's gotten worse since they lost their better writers. Morrowind was just the perfect diamond in the rough storm, and a lot of it was carried by Douglas Goodall, while Kirkbride did the meta-related stuff and religious stuff while high on a lot of different drugs. Ken Rolston was a major player too for the MC especially, while Todd Howard wrote the shittiest faction, the Imperial Legion
I like them a lot especially for the memes in Oblivion, but they suck as a faction in terms of writing.
For the Elder Scrolls Fans or people who do like the writing in general this history might interest you, so hre you go!
https://en.uesp.net/wiki/General:Douglas_Goodall_Interviewhttps://pastebin.com/Yv1kbABfI'll give you some more interesting podcast options in the future, I've wanted to hit the gym for a while now but ended up doing a bunch of other stuff, ADHD and Autism! Going at this hour should mean nobody will hog any of the benches or machines at least, hehe