>>69156680>That's not "good sense and common decency", it's just her trying to hide her tracks and avoid getting sued. She never makes any direct statements publicly and instead chooses to post them anonymously or spreads rumors privately. She's a god damn snake.Well, she's at least a craftier snake than that dumb bimbo Elira who tried to do the crocodile tears on her audience instead of only the people she was fucking. In a twisted sense, I can kinda respect that.
>>69156762Honestly if the most extreme version of the GURRAT turns out to be true and she had masterminded her way into seizing control over the entire EN branch & told Selen to kill herself, that might just bump Elira up a few places in my books for being a real life supervillain. That'd be kinda hot.
I think I have an "evil villainess" fetish