>>77420312There's two problems here. The first being that /pol/tards are known for not being able to actually have an original thought, and the second here being that even if 100 of them rubbed their collective 5 braincells together they'd still have the relatively solid argument of
>once you're with /pol/ >you're always with /pol/which is true in a handful of difference ways, from /pol/tards being unable to grow out of their mindset to people being unwilling to give /pol/tards a chance for reformation so they always crawl back and get worse. To be frank if a newer fanbase learns about her ever acknowledging kiwifarms positively on any level they'd try to unperson her harder than Michael Kyatto with no remorse, and it's hard to say that'd be a bad thing since all kiwiniggers are trash no matter how much you spin it. Even if she shows she's learned from it there's going to be a lot of people who simply don't care about her enough to see if she truly did, or people like me who'll just assume they instead keep the mask on better because they've got no reason to stick their neck out and assume the best of someone they'd have no interest in anyways. I stay in my lane and she stays in hers. I might flip her the bird but I'm not going to tailgate her, ya dig?
Seriously though, she was a fucking retard for ever bringing up kiwifarms. At least if you're a /here/tuber you've got plenty of benefit of doubt as only 12 year olds and people who've knocked it before they tried it think 4chan is a universal hellhole.