>>32388435Hey brother! (*˘︶˘*)
Serious lore idea.
I went and read some of the references /meat/ gave me. Guild stuff aside, I am more interested in the nut tradition describe here
>>32301137that got me thinking. Our society revolves solely around nuts. According to the people of Yoruba, they treated kola nuts like a serious cultural medium. You swore on those life bearing seeds!
Risu society should adopt that but will take that to the limits!
Every nut represents something. a context. for example: You deliver a mail with a specific type of nut to convey context and mood.
Now. Nuts are divided into three kinds
True nuts, seed nuts, legumes
each type dictates the kind of message you wanna convey
True nuts are like walnuts, acorns, chestnuts. theyre the whole fruit
seed nuts are like pecan, pistacchios, cashews, almonds. theyre just one part of the fruit
legumes are bean plants. like peanuts and green peas. legume nuts are underground legumes
The class of nut defines context
True nut: serious bsns. if you swore an oath of war on an acorn you better do it. or else it's the geese chamber!
Fruit nut: formal stuff. like doing trade deals, you switch pecan or cashews with your partner. used to symbolize partnership, wisdom, formality, sex, etc
Legume nuts: non-serious/casual. trading on a peanut or a bean is a sign of friendship, community, fun
Now for meanings. these are some examples
>True nutAcorn: The very symbol of squirrelkind. Acorns are the golden seal of Risuner culture. The Church of Risu pays in them to show seriousness. Represents our people, the Risuners as a whole.
Chestnut: Spiky and hard they represent resiliense and defense. These nuts are seals for war, security, or anything where violence will be involved. warriors would seal their contracts by gripping on a chstnut until they bleed
>Seed nutCashew: Prosperity
Pistacchio: Uncertainty. if you're given one it means the other guy has his doubts about the deal you are doing or is troubles about something in the past
Breadnut (look up artocarpus camansi): Fertility. Gifting someone a breadnut fruit represents pregnancy full of children. or a full nutsack. whatever goes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>Legume nutsPeanut: Friendliness. the token sign of communal connectivity
Epa roro: entertainment. currency for poets, musicians, etc
Opinions please, everybody!