>>63735862Yes, very much so. He's been consistent for about a year and has taken things slow with us which I like. Has a nuanced take on the parasocial topic (WHILE medicated) so I don't think you have to worry about any flip-flopping on the subject or him changing his mind. He's come a long way from debut too, used to be a bit much in collabs sometimes but he's calming down (but I like him a little chaotic). Sometimes mentions the holowhores too much but lately he's toned that down too and went entire streams without mentioning them. Hasn't been raiding indie whores either. We're going to have to work for some bfe ASMR but when he does it he does it so well. I still have some voice tweets of his bookmarked because even though he's silly and chaotic in them, they're well done in my opinion. I usually prefer a more dominant model, but I can compromise. I love this mecha shota so so much.