Quoted By:
Here is every Holotalk, sorted by peak
>peak :: date :: title :: video_id
>57695 :: 2020-11-21 :: 【#HOLOTALK】With our 1st guest: HOUSHOU MARINE #marinarasauce #マリナラソース :: 3HwaqbdKO1s
>35758 :: 2020-12-05 :: 【#HOLOTALK】With our 2nd guest: SHIRAKAMI FUBUKI #fubukiara #フブキアラ :: zN3J1YW9fDc
>34154 :: 2021-06-19 :: 【#HOLOTALK】With our 11th guest: Kiryu Coco! #ORANGEWOMEN #オレンジコアラ :: XV-VghW7SaM
>28828 :: 2022-01-23 :: 【HOLOTALK】With our 20th guest: YAGOO :: EW68UJ_b3Yk
>28061 :: 2021-01-16 :: 【#HOLOTALK】With our 4th guest: Oozora Subaru #holobirds #ホロ鳥 :: G9Sc_RNF-VE
>26384 :: 2021-05-29 :: 【#HOLOTALK】With our 10th guest: A--chan! :: 0O1bQn-BwAs
>25987 :: 2021-01-30 :: 【#HOLOTALK】With our 5th guest: Sakura Miko #EliTori #エリー鳥 :: L1a0zYpKRHQ
>25542 :: 2020-12-27 :: 【#HOLOTALK】With our 3rd guest: Murasaki Shion #TakanaShion #タカナシオン :: iB3ZDO7O2mc
>20173 :: 2021-04-18 :: 【#HOLOTALK】With our 8th guest: Hoshimachi Suisei #cometori #コメットリ :: a6DjP7NYwUE
>18256 :: 2021-07-10 :: 【HOLOTALK】With our 12th guest: NATSUIRO MATSURI! :: MXOhD0jXdWI
>17164 :: 2021-10-23 :: 【HOLOTALK】With our 17th guest: MINATO AQUA! :: LQcQyLum3Q0
>14960 :: 2022-02-19 :: 【HOLOTALK】With our 21st guest: SHIRANUI FLARE :: ygXxGpjSMWo
>14031 :: 2021-03-14 :: 【#HOLOTALK】With our 6th guest: Yozora Mel #Kiaramel #キアラメル :: g7IP2ZBVbPU
>13735 :: 2021-04-04 :: 【#HOLOTALK】With our 7th guest: Aki Rosenthal #HIPstars #ローゼントリ :: 9Dc_5JhTMUw
>13556 :: 2021-08-21 :: 【HOLOTALK】With our 14th guest: HAACHAMA! :: XV3MPp6xBIA
>12864 :: 2021-05-16 :: 【#HOLOTALK】With our 9th guest: Roboco san #ROBOTORI #ロボトリ :: 7-ogX_bqo9Q
>12773 :: 2021-09-18 :: 【HOLOTALK】With our 15th guest:Tokino Sora! :: rZF67BuT4BU
>12566 :: 2021-11-27 :: 【HOLOTALK】With our 18th guest: NEKOMATA OKAYU! (1 Year Anniversary Episode) :: FjsTGuBQlO0
>11392 :: 2022-03-05 :: 【HOLOTALK】With our 22nd guest: SHIROGANE NOEL :: toe_PmrDWBU
>10963 :: 2021-12-11 :: 【HOLOTALK】With our 19th guest: OOKAMI MIO :: yp47bu0aSIU
>10049 :: 2021-10-02 :: 【HOLOTALK】With our 16th guest: Yuzuki Choco! :: UAyT9UiAyJU
>9906 :: 2021-07-31 :: 【HOLOTALK】With our 13th guest: AZKi! :: CohBCNY9Pm4
It takes 20k to make into the Top 10