>>88169543>let me put lucky lucky in the background so it's a little bit emotional>i hope you had fun!>i had fun it was one of the funniest stream i ever had>i was really looking forward to it>i hope that youre not too disappointed that there is no real outfit reveal>but im having my redebut at the very beginning of next year>i think i told you that even though i tried to make an idol stream, i tried to make it paracore, i tried to make it special and all of that>if you had fun that's what matters because i had a lot of fun>and im really exhausted and you know what i gotta do? i gotta do my taxes YEAH>yay yay yay taxes taxes~>i was texting my mom during the stream, i told her>hey im working, i'll call you back in like 2 hours>im just lazy to do my taxes, it's not like i have anything to hide or something, im just lazy>and my mom texted me, she told me>>You know Para, it's okay if you don't gain a lot of money. Just tell me.>im like NO I DO MAKE MONEY with my streaming stuff, i get sponsors and stuff>i can live by myself, im just too lazy to do my taxes and im too lazy to call back, that's it>and she thinks im hiding things from her >i think im making minimum wage, with the sponsors im making more than minimum wage >she's trying to be nice and stuff but i dont like when people imply stuff about me>bon allez im gonna drop you somewhere and we'll see each other in 9 or 10 days>im so sorry if i missed some gifts i might have missed it>i just wanted to say thank you so much everyone for being here and i dunno that was so fun>thank you so much just for being here i... >i... i... uh... i... *puts her hand in front of the camera* i-i-...i kinda like ...i kinda like you guys okay?>i dont want you to see me when i say that but i kinda like you sometimes>i think streaming is pretty fun sometimes yeah...>anyway!>you havent seen gay Para!!>you havent see gay Para at all!!Para raided Ray who is karaokeing