> "my friend who wasn't into chuubas told me that Putechi was cute" - chat> Happy to hear that!> Even if they aren't interested in VTubers, nowadays there seem to be many who at least know some of us.Clip continues from there : [Open]
> "I don't know any of the recent newcomers" - chat> It is what it is, even for listeners.. it's difficult to catch up.> It's both the good and bad part of Nijisanji.> Yeah we have new debuts, 3 of them debuted just last week.> Well saying it's "bad" might not be accurate, but..> I guess the sad part is that there's not that many people on twitter that say "I'm a nijisanji box fan!" anymore.> I suppose that should be an obvious result.> "There's too many, it's impossible" - chat> Right? Even if you were a hako oshi and wanted to get literally everyone's merch, how much would that cost you?> There used to be many people on twitter who had plushies of literally everyone in the box.> Nowadays that's just no longer possible.> I suppose it's better for events and tournaments, if you're lacking members you can always get people within niji to join [Open]
> Even with Pokemon, each and every one might be charming and cute on their own, but it just goes on and on right?> The company grows bigger, but *almost burps*> I guess it'd be like lining up a 100 convenience stores like this on one street.> I guess I'll have to try hard too.. since the members will keep increasing even more from now on..