Quoted By:
The horny Yaminion
SCP-Y69 is a humanoid creature measuring approximately 1.90 meters in height. Subject shows very little muscle mass, with preliminary analysis of body mass suggesting mild malnutrition. Arms are grossly under proportion with the rest of the subject's body, with an approximate length of 20 meters each. Skin is mostly devoid of pigmentation, with no sign of any body hair.
SCP-Y69 is normally extremely docile and submissive spending most of its day shitposting on /nenmen/, however, when SCP-Y69 views a picture of a particular male virtual youtuber with banana for hair, whether it be directly, via video recording, or even a fan art, it will enter a stage considerable drooling and mutterings about how it wants to have sexual intercourse with its malewife. Approximately one (1) to two (2) minutes after the first viewing, SCP-Y69 will begin shouting loudly "SEX SEX SEX SEEEEEEEEEEXXXXX SEX WITH SHU!!! Yabba dabba doo!" to the virtual person.