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Man can you imagine kidnapping Rosemi? It should be very easy. Let me tell you about it.
Break into her house or more like just opening the door because she always forget to lock the door.
Slowly walk to her... She's busy streaming and pays no attention to her surroundings and just like that grab her from behind while covering her voice.
Hell, even if she manages to make a peep her neighbors don't care, she's just the annoying kid next door that is constantly screaming and laughing. No one in her chat will notice because she's always so clumsy they'll think she left to do something else.
That said there's no resistance, it's super easy to lift her up from behind and take her away. Our objective is to kidnapper for... Who knows. Money? Fame? Revenge? Pleasure...?
I mean you can rape her on the spot with no issues but she's most likely going to die there immediately or in the next hours. Might be messy so I don't recommend it.
For now just tie her tiny arms and legs, put some tape on her mouth. Taking her away might actually be just as easy as kidnapping her if I'm honest.
To everyone in the building she's a weird kid, no one cares if she disappears for a couple of months as long the landlord is getting paid. The local molesters and pedos might notice though so not everything is easy as it sounds friend.
You can stuff her inside your gym bag. Yeah, that's why you bought it in the first place, she fits perfectly right there. Just be sure to tie her properly in the first place, not too tight. The only risk at this point is she suddenly dying because she's so weak and her heart might give up from fear. Oh she's going to be constantly pissing herself at this point so be prepared.
She's light so walking around with her inside the gym bag it requires no effort. Walk down the stairs and that's it, no one ever cares about what happens outside they're always inside minding their business. Yes, if someone goes outside it's also very easy to spot you during your crime but honestly either they'll not care (They are canadians) or would ask you to just leave fast. Most likely you'll never see anyone in your way.
Once you leave the front gate it's over. You're free to do whatever you want with your free Rosemi Lovelock.
If you want to keep her be careful because she dies easily if you are not prepared to have a wose in your house.