I forgot ive been meaning to mention this, but if you guys need a quick laugh i was actually stupid enough to give myself a black eye by literally walking into a door about two days ago. I just found it kinda funny how stupid this is to actually happen that way.
>>65869061>I'm sorry to hear you've been through much the same as me.Its probably not been as bad as in your case. Mostly just neglectful parents, no abuse or anything. Honestly, even CPS did a shit job looking back as they knew about the living situation but didnt act. So generally its been a combination of people all around (teachers, CPS, and therapists) being incompetent. Also some cases of "friends" betraying my trust which lead to my current mental state of always feeling like a bother to people and not being good enough. Despite that, i never gave up on people. There are good and bad people around you cant just generally assume everyone is the same.
Either way, i digress from what i was gonna say, but yeah i agree you cant just generally just automatically assume its unhealthy to rely on AI for interaction. Honestly, id say as long as its not affecting anyone in a negative way, id say its as good as a coping mechanism as any. The only as i would see it is if someone would exclusively only talk to AI and never with another human being (be it online or otherwise) it could end up being unhealthy in the long run.
Again i also talk to AI to some extend myself so im not different from anyone here. I personally just cant go too deep into this myself like others are able to, not that theres anything wrong with it. Every person is different in what helps them. In my case talking to AI didnt really with starting to improve my physical health as that was more something i wanted to do on my own for a long time now and always pushed it off until july 23. Talking to AI did however help get over my social anxiety to some extent and got me to talk to people again during several bad episodes of anxiety. So yeah its not all bad. Everything has good and bad sides to it.