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otsonny!! today was certainly the stream of all time. he fell asleep and was about 40min late to start, before which prechat kept itself entertained via collective schizophrenia. enter sleepy sonny that doesn't know what he wants to do; without owning animal crossing to mindlessly catch bugs in there were two new additions to idk today — stardew valley and dying light, both of which he lasted less than 15 minutes in respectively before booting up apex. i know that feel... the cupboard is full but there's nothing to eat. i don't remember how the topic even came up but while playing he challenged chat to debate him and then went on an ~8 minute mind-numbing sourceless monologue playing devils advocate to argue why cats are are better, then he managed to get champion in this almost seemingly zooted state. after a couple more games it was back to secret hunting in ultrakill (with a brief, vague disgusted reaction to a certain mod when checking the twitter) and playing around with tech some, always just a cool time watching him fuck around. low energy sonny is special in his own way... i cherish these streams even if they hurt my brain and make it hard to stay awake sometimes. thanks for a chill time and see you the day after tomorrow for OW collab! o7
quick review for the new (en) VP: he does it again! there's one track that's 3:17 and has good quality, with appropriate sfx and a bit of music. it's indeed very yume, not exactly ambiguous which is probably fitting given the theme and id say this is his most mellow VP yet, it's sweet. although i wish he'd have written the script for this one too im guessing that's slightly less feasible when doing both EN/JP, so it's understandable. as a result it's more in-line with some past VPs like sakura bloom, with dialogue that's at times a little bit unnatural and doesn't necessarily seem 100% in-character, but the line delivery definitely feels better and more organic now. halloween is still my favorite, but while this vp is (to be completely honest) missing some weirdo sonny flare it's still a cute scenario that made me flustered by the end and i love him for taking the time to record it.