>>34857960>Was this always her regular numbers? I kinda remember she was at least 4k back then.Not really, she took a real dive since she joined VShojoJP, squandering the amazing incline she got from her 3D debut
>the real one, not the Super oneSince september she only had 5 streams over 3k
>one handcam>three collabs with Mirai Akari>one English Class with Nazuna >peak :: date :: title :: video_id>5662 :: 2022-09-02 :: 【#なななーそん】南部式英語教室with 特別ゲスト:Giriちゃん【飴宮なずな/kson先生】 :: -WxcgA7kl_I>5296 :: 2022-09-06 :: 【初対談】ミライアカリ様 × kson総長 :: a9OvcymZC18>4570 :: 2022-09-17 :: 【南部式英語教室】男 を 落 と す 【ミライアカリ × kson総長】 :: sjOJ6KYeZk0>3908 :: 2022-09-19 :: 【】レインボーたこ焼き作り【kson総長】 :: h8mSze8GOto>3006 :: 2022-10-01 :: 【企画会議対談】ミライアカリ様は救われたい。【kson総長】 :: -d-UCGTPXbwThe list above interestingly sorts ascending per date while ascending per peak, showing a recline even in this limited set of circumstances.with each collab with Mirai Akari getting a smaller peak.
Long story short: she was really batting above the 4k line up until Dec 2021, then over 2.5k for most of 2022, and now approaching her lowest levels since CCVID