Quoted By:
>Willingness to talk about her feelings on subject matters pretaining to her job.
>Can be negative in those emotions
>Is hungry for as much as she can get. That hunger is seen as desperation by some.
>Talks occasionally about numbers/how her analytics and channel are doing while most hide it.
>Can be very direct.
It's usually a case of a few of these supposed negative traits turning people off from her quickly more than it is being annoyed by every single one.
I love my Wawa but had to take a break when she released her album because for months she had (and admitted to having) a very negative mindset at the time and it leeched into all of her content. The final straw was a members stream with her drawing. She spent the first 45 minutes upset about a myriad of things with no laughing, no happy thoughts, just bitter and angry reactions to everything from her album, to her tech not working well, to her 2 hat original design. I couldn't take it, turned off the stream, and unmembered. I normally am fine with some of her 'telling it straight' emotional moments because they're interspersed between 4 hours of goofy Wawa moments, but that stream was misery incarnet.
I've since come back with the new year and she's 100% worked on it and I'm glad to see she decided to finally take that detox break she'd been talking about for a year and a half. Wawa cute. Still waiting on that Nedoroid though.