Kiara is unironically based and the only member of EN that can fight against management and OmegaAlpha's whims. He wants to turn EN into a XIV raid group since it's his favorite game and Kiara despite liking the game is the one telling him it wouldn't work [Embed]
>(Kiara responding to chat comment) >Final Fantasy XIV? Uh, yes, I mean… that’s kind of been like in the talks since the very beginning. Uhm… I don’t know if it’d really be a big thing in Hololive English, to be honest though… why, I like the game and you know Ina also likes the game and all that… I feel like, uhm, not everyone is that interested in it in Hololive English, and I don’t blame them, it’s not everyone’s kind of game.>So, some people said they would participate but they don’t want to stream it… I don’t know, it feels like… management, SOMEONE from management [tl note: fuck off, Omegatranny] wants to push… wants to see us play it, and wants it to be like kind of our thing, but uhm… not everyone is quite into it... which is okay, understandable, I’m also not into all kinds of games.>And I see how it can be very difficult to stream MMORPGs. First of all, I was asking like, okay if we do this, are we start from like level one and grind ourselves up, or are we gonna get like one of those max level thingies, and then work from there? Because, if it’s like, almost all of them (are) beginners at FFXIV, I feel like it makes no sense to give everyone max level immediately, because they will miss the whole story and they will not understand how the game works, and once you’re max level you’re like, what’s your purpose, you’re gonna be doing dungeons n’ shit. But you don’t even know how the game works, and you miss like the whole point of the game. >But the other way around, if you start from level one, then the whole game can feel very grindy, especially for people who don’t play MMORPGs in general, for people who don’t even like MMORPGs or have no experience with it, just getting from level one to level sixty, and then onwards from that. I did that before in FFXIV […], but as much as I personally enjoyed it because I love MMORPGs, it took definetly a lot of time, and it definetly was grindy. They have great story too, but MMORPGs are grindy, so… I really don’t see how most of Hololive English would enjoy it, unless you’re an MMORPG addict, like me and Ina.>And not only how the members would enjoy it, but how it would be streamed? And it’s quite the commitment, because you gotta put a lot of time into that if you want to get somewhere with it. And the girls just don’t have that much time, to invest into something that they’re not even that passionate about. I don’t know… there’s not much motivation, currently. I wouldn’t mind revisiting it, but I don’t know about making it into a whole thing, like a series. But if you don’t make it into a whole series, what sense does it make, though? Start an MMORGP, play it for one stream or two streams and that’s it, personally to me that doesn’t even make sense…>(Kiara continues to talk about her personal experiences with XIV)I kneel to the chicken and her defending her autistic coworkers from management retardedness and tyranny. Fuck you so much OA I know you read these threads.