>>39770660 One more thing about TwitchArchiverWPF(
https://github.com/lay295/TwitchArchiverWPF) that i forgot to mention yesterday its literally braindead easy to use all you have to do after installing it is add the streamers name, click on add streamer and done (see picrel as an example). As long as the program runs it wil archive any streams unless you get tech issues with it.
As i mentioned in the backlink i did proper testing but only for a day so idk what kind of tech issues might come up but for the most part if you want an easy way to archive vods that thing is it. I still prefer streamlink/twitch Stream recorder as all my recording is done on a raspberry pi and this program doesnt seem to work on linux but for windows TwitchArchiver WPF is the easiest way to record stuff if you dont want to bother setting up streamlink.
>>39811698>you also made me realize that I should probably do the "upload unlisted to YT" thing for the few streams I have recorded because I don't have that much storage space and I assume most people won't give a shit about the compressionYeah i really doubt people that watch vods will actually care the bit of compression youtube vods get. I mean most vod channels are on youtube after all, Making them unlisted puts them on less of a risk to be taken down/copyright striked and its a free to keep them up for extended amounts of time (gofile deletes stuff after 14 days of inactivity).
This is also a good way to have a private archive up on youtube if anyone wants to make a private archive but doesnt have the drive space, be aware though the youtube copyright system is shit so a vod will get a copyright stike if theres even as much as 10 seconds of copyrighted music playingon a vod.