>>84320234>do you people not have jobs? or other hobbies? or friends?No, we - or at least I - don't and I don't feel any sense of shame or anything in regards to it, kill yourself and go back normalfaggot
>how you manage to watch every single one of your oshi's streams while managing vidya/work/sleep/family/friendsI have no friends (what the fuck would I even need irl friends for? Just performatively hang around with some dumb retards who I can't relate to just to pat myself on the back like iM a ReAl BoY' like I'm Pinocchio or some shit? Just to check a box? People are fucking boring and do nothing for me (unlike streams)
Family? I barely interact with my retard family who don't understand me who I haven't lived with in years
Vidya? Fucking time waster
Anime? Most of it is mid asf and holostreams fill the niche better anyway
Sleep? 4-5 hours a day max, nigga
Work? Part-time job that allows me to pay rent and have an internet connection and live frugally so I can watch streams and buy merch, careers are for retards
How do I watch so many streams at once? Holodex, bitch
Fucking skill issue, faggot