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I dont think JP management really understood the amount of narcissism/ineptitude rife within the EN "management" pool when they hired this thing. Omega probably had a "solid" resume on paper, but what JP failed to realize is that the achievements/references were probably inflated by companies looking to quickly increase their ESG scores by hiring "mentally ill/diverse" people to fill their diversity quotas for those black rock tax breaks. You see this happen all the time in American corporate management structures, where said diversity employee takes over a management position to boost ESG scores, fucks up badly, then is traded away to another company boost their ESG scores until they fuck up enough to warrant another transfer. The worst part is, is that these people are generally so dumb/self absorbed that they actually start to believe that they themselves must be exceptionally talented at their job as to be indispensable, (which technically is somewhat true but as a diversity token).