>>984194Doubt creeps into her head. What may be something as simple as taking a bit too long to respond to a text or even just falling asleep explodes into her mind as you being sick of her, or spending time with another, more interesting girl. She starts to quiz you on small things that happened during her stream. She slowly becomes more and more territorial of you around others, threatening them behind the scenes to stay away from you, that you're spoken for, that SHE'S the one you're interested in and you're very much in love with one another.
Then she notices that you left your PC unlocked. She assures herself that she's fine, that she's confident; she's good enough for you. You're being a good boy, you aren't doing anything to hurt her. She's just being crazy. She works so, so hard to make everyone happy, you most of all; why would you need anyone else? But that nagging, sickening feeling of curiosity worms through her intestines. She concedes, and checks your history. The first result is that bogan bitch, Haato. Something inside of her cracks.