Nyan and Aethel's son update
>>44266171>>44266335These can tell a good story
>Nyan (being an inmortal) ends up in Siberia during WW2, and ends up being recluted by Stailin himself to join the fight for the USSR>In there, she was a powerful asset, using devices of torture never seen before>All the subjects went insane, claming that they met the devil herself>WWII ends, and she flees to the west>After several years of alchoholism to deal with the guilt of what she had done, she pours a glass of beer to the top and starts crying, leaving booze for good >She decides that her life should change and raise the children of tomorrow to be better than she ever was, so she joins a local daycare to take care of them>everyone in the daycare love her, so they ask her if it were possible that she could do a job in the summer>"Summer camp counselor" they say