Ina is literally mugging Team Galactic members as well as Scientists because she needs the money after buying clothes. Also because she still hasn't forgiven them for the torturing of Otoro's family. But hey, good news everyone! Ina has bacon in the fridge! She's also not stinky. you look at that, Ame~ is awake and is now going to bless us with some glorious block gaming as she loads up Minecraft for some comfy times!>Songs ReleasedKorone lives! She delivered this super cool cover of the Fire Emblem Opening Theme because she loves video games and video game music. She even got Okayua and Kanata on board to help her sing the chorus! If you haven't listen to this absolute gem of a cover, please consider doing so right away. and friend MilkyQueen got their growl on as they said SHUT the FUCK up covering USSEEWA. They both sounds absolutely fantastic and Mori once again proves that she actually IS as cool as everyone thinks she is. That's why you should give this cover a stream and open your eyes to Mori's coolness and MilkyQueen's cuteness. Iroha having a successful debut, all of HoloX are now ready to start their Hololive journey! The Gen had an absolutely wonderful and hilarious zatsudan after Iroha's debut and showed us that they sang Ochame Kichou, that song that's pretty much Hololive tradition at this point. Of course all five of them sound absolutely fantastic and you should go give the cover millions of streams for being fantastic.