Happy Birthday /lig/!
Today's our anniversary and in the spirit of things I went back to the original thread from January 25th 2022 and re-read everything. And I don't just mean the original /lig/ thread, I mean everything. We've gone through close to 1500 threads since the thread's inception and I read every single post (not including the last ~2 threads, I'll get to them after this).
I'm sure it was dangerous levels of retardation and autism that compelled me to do it, but I'm glad I did. There was some legitimate bittersweet nostalgia going back and seeing my old posts, reading old conversations and laughing at memes and shitposts that I'd forgotten about.
Statistically speaking ~75% of the thread likely wasn't around back at the beginning (even more when you consider that there are posters from back then who don't post anymore) so you'll have to take my word when I say that the thread was very different for those first few months - with ~20 IPs and an output of at most 1 and a half threads a day there was a real fear that the thread would just dissolve and everyone would just return to /lig/'s parent threads.
But with camaraderie we pulled through and by March the thread had grown in no small pat to /lig/'s performance in /vt/ League 2 and then the double whammy dramas of Saruei's art contest and the the BunnyxLayna stuff.
After the "growth phase" of March-June we entered the /lig/ summer were it felt like every day something new happened - bans, conventions, new chuubas getting partnered and even more drama (also with Layna) to name a few. The threads skyrocketed in popularity last summer with record high IP counts - the threads may be the fastest they've ever been now (in terms of post count) but I don't know if we'll see IP numbers as high in a good while.
6 months ago I did a "State of the Union" style post where I made a big collage of all the OPs in (more or less) chronological order. And I did it again.
>https://files.catbox.moe/6dzrrz.jpgThis time I didn't remove the duplicates, partially because I wanted the most accurate image of all the threads but mostly because I wrote a script to get all the pictures and make the grid and I'm far too lazy to manually go through and remove the duplicates.
Don't get too mad about duplicates btw, either the OPs weren't here/don't remember and/or /lig/ doesn't crank out enough supply to meet demand for how many threads we burn through so they're to be expected now.Incidentally if anyone wants to take on the insane task of filtering through all the OPs and then uploading them to the booru here they all are.
>https://gofile.io/d/4gv6uC6 months ago we had ~550-600 threads, now we have close to 1500. The speed of the thread has increased massively even if our IP count has stayed roughly the same since Autumn (80-90). This suggests that our old posting model has shifted (where we had 20-30% irregulars and tourists) and we have more regular posters now than we used to, as regulars tend to post more than irregulars and tourists. Or it could just be coincidental and there's a handful of posters who are just replying to everything. I'll let you decide.
On the subject of posters, I don't speak for the thread but I want to personally thank everyone who ever created, contributed or set up some sort of "thread activity" for the thread over the last 12 months.
The anons who bake threads, who make OC, who record VODs, who keep schedules, who post numbers, who set up things like the jigsaws or the "[X] is missing her face" posts, the monthly oshi pollanon, the vtguide anon, whatever /pmg/ refugee stole the idea to do birthday cards, the anons who organize, make and send the birthday cards and any others I'm forgetting. Thank you.
It takes an incredible amount of concerted autism to keep any general alive on this board and you guys were instrumental to keeping it going. Fuck, without (You), Adrian would've killed this thread in the crib.
I wanted to leave this brief - I know most of (You) are too ADHD riddled to even read this far.
So tl;dr - happy birthday, this thread is cool, I'm glad it exists, I love (You). I don't know if this thread will last another year but I'm crossing my fingers it does.
And finally, I want to know what your 3 hopes for the next year in the /lig/gosphere are. It can be anything as lofty or improbable as you want, just something you'd like to see happen - your oshi to play a specific game or do a specific stream, a collab you'd like to see, a new model/outfit, a chuuba to get /lig/ status, to join a corpo or even to graduate (if you're some sort of sicko).
Mine are that I want
Saruei and Anny to have their Sonic autism collab, I want
Momo to finally do NSFW streams and I want
/vt/ to increase the bump limit to 500, for fuck sake the board is nearly 2 years old and is one of the fastest on the site this is just inhumane at this point.