>>94226370>PC is acting up, hard to read chat>the idea of an acapella singing stream is floatedand this is the setlist for today
from the space:
>>94226032>i was told people use YT chat for spaces, is this a thing>*clipping nails ASMR*>>you sound far less seiso on space, more like a normal person (ippanjin)>i have a sad announcement, i use an electric/acoustic guitar and the electric part died>*more nail clipping ASMR*>i have stream in 7 minutes and i am still cutting my nails...>honestly i am a bit in shock about my broken guitar. it was supposed to be a rally high quality one>*figures out a better way to read space comments*>>you are so seiso and cute>thank you i am seiso yes>i guess i do turn into a bit of an otaku at times>today i will only use my guitar as a pure acoustic but i want to bring it to get repaired>what even was this space?>today was a trial space>had a pizzaman before the space will have proper dinner after stream