I am going to attempt to say some things that bring me no pleasure. I've perhaps glossed over these implications in the past but in the broader sense of the thread's current topic here it is.
Lia simply can't compete.
Lia's perhaps most endearing struggle is in her imposter syndrome. There are brief moments of brilliant assertion of her worth that overcome the self doubt of her position but the underlying doubt is, at this point, a major part of her character.
I don't know if this still available but previously there was a short showcasing Lia's "Voice Acting" talents that, while engaging different character facets failed to properly engage any sort of meaningful vocal modulation (something that Erina probably hits the strongest out of all the Phase talents). Lia also struggles with her singing talent, notoriously shirking karaokes outside of the kind of content that she is able to self assuredly pass off as a bit of a joke.
The thing that is most endearing about Lia is that she is a talent that has "nothing going for her" in the realm of vtubing. If your memory serves you, some of my biggest, earliest rats were Lia being the TRUE subject of Pipkin Pippa's "Mega Idol" lyrics, and furthmore Pippa's treatsie with chocolate preBBW spicy idol Nyaru being a deconstruction of Lia's own past and a subconcious "fire" to light under Lia. These were all major "motivating" forces, highlighted, again as I've previously discoursed on, the PEAK of Lia's rejection of her position during her Kamara induced AKASupa emotional breakdown.
Lia's entire performance, to the truly initiated, hinges on the careful balance of her imposter syndrome versus her very self aware "menhera"
>>92521203 content claims.
Lia's directly addressed her distaste for her initial edge viewerbase in her "Rosechu" arc, saying in no certain terms, that the type of viewers who enjoyed her CWC content and the like were denegrating her potential. The broader complexities of Lia when it comes to her career are really the most engaging part of her performance.
She is constantly "in over her head" in that her ambition meets the limitations of her motivation and the self abased check of whether or not she really wants what she is achieving is called into question.
Early Lia was able to maneuver this position as a KAngel reference to great success but now that management is actively reinforcing her ascent she is put in the utmost difficult position of self determination as to how the rest of her career, and character arc plays out.
Lia has always been a very "high concept" chuuba post Ashelia gamer/""""Masters"""" content and the accolades of such demand of her a very high level of metacontextual content to the development of her character arcs. It's enough for that to have been a transitionary period into the "accomplishment" of her current goal fulfillment but for her to continue to ply the pre fulfillment tactics of KAngel misdirection on her users comes across as disingenuous at best and self serving at worst.