>>96067628>>96078982 (cont.)>and you can kinda hear that in sound asleep with the way the melody goes>but i definitely made it a little bit less doomy and more "Yeah guys! We've got this!"doomer to bloomer just like that
>i think i will get my happiness...>you have to go through the hard stuff to collect your good karma>i've been collecting a fuckton of good karma for the last few years...>so i think i'm getting a lot of it back tenfold>anyways>(whispering) i'm glad you guys like my song>i am embarassed now so i'm gonna sing a song that is less awkward so that i can just play it off>play off the embarassment because i'm shyflustered lisa noises ensue
>>glad you persevered>ty! i'll continue to persevere, 'cause i have people in my corner! and i have people who are rooting for me!>all of you are rooting for me so i've gotta keep going you know?>i gotta do it, i've gotta get my gains, i gotta keep going>if i were to give up at this point in time, right? after all we've been through together? what kind of person would that make me huh? that'd make me a quitter, and i ain't no quitter>so we keep going no matter what life throws us>er, what life throws AT ustypos the setlist
>wtf? i can speak englishshe's distracted by her shounen main character speech
she then kept going as usual outside of this tangent, here's the setlist minus the secret ending, which is voice of no return from drakengard