>>57550209This is probably the result of shareholder pressure, as well as JP naivety. Anyone who's even remotely aware of Esports in the west would know that it's been in the shitter for the past couple of months. You have Activision paying pro Overwatch players to leave, because they want to down shut it down, you got Riot admitting that Esports isn't profitable, and are firing pro League players, and now all of a sudden Hololive wants to get in on it? And even if Esports is doing fine, no one likes the current game roster. Apex is not fun to watch on a casual level, we already saw what happened with 'Mad Dog Aqua', Valorant isn't fun to watch, CoD isn't fun to watch, Counter Strike maybe, but the girls would probably get dominated by the Russian players. Management doesn't know what they're doing.