Gale was so cute yet again today. And I feel like I've seen others play Shadow Of Doubt but this is the first time I've paid attention nonstop to a streamer playing this. I actually thought the gameplay was a lot darker and more serious but it's a pretty goofy game where you can solve mysteries but you can do some silly stuff in it too. It probably is meant to be a little dark despite the simple art style in it but Gale made it into such a fun time that I didn't even notice. I love how he's doing more pre-game and post-game zatsus to talk with us. I remember from debut weeks he'd jump right in and then end stream or immediately raid, not giving people much time to superchat him or even talk about the game much. I'm glad he's improved in that. Thank you for the laughs today Gale. I love you. See you tomorrow!