Both mourns and celebrations can be heard throughout Sakuran today, the night before the Shrine Priestess' birthday, as she bestowed upon the High Priests a devastating oracle. Though cryptic as always, said oracle seemed to imply that the differences between the Sakuran and Pekoland deities are yet to be resolved, further straining the already distanced relationship of the two nations. Though some final hope had remained for the PekoMiko supporters both in Sakuran and the neighboring MiComet zone, the words received today seem to have cause many believers to lose their faith. On the other hand, 35p that disliked the PekoMiko faction, many of them MiComet supporters, started celebrating, often harassing coping PekoMiko passersbys. These altercations were used as an excuse by the residents of the MiComet zone to go on yet another rampage, wrecking havoc in nearby nations, even boarding international vessels to spread their own propaganda. This, in turn, caused the revolt of the small number of remaining PekoMiko residents of the MiComet zone
refer to >>19409616, anchoring >>19570746 this btw, since Hoshiyomia didn't seem to answer, if someone can put it under micomet that'd be great, as well as some Fandead refugees that moved into the zone the past few weeks after the Necromancer's fall from grace, who performed numerous raids locally. However, things seem to be already calming down at a good pace, and preparations for the festival in honor of the Shrine Priestess are proceeding as normal.
In other n-
>*door slams open*>>19563746>>19563892>>19564030>>19564112>*door closes* >*chuckling slowly dies down*Aaas I was saying, in other news, a wealthy Sakuran merchant
das me has recently donated a significant amount of materials to the land of Horni, as a gesture of friendship. Said merchant seems to have been a generous donor for a long while, and his contributions have been recognized by the nation to such a degree that a permanent position as a sponsor has been granted to him.
I maintain a mega in that thread, recent update is >>19467588, do visit if you want to take some edge off. This recent contribution is special, as the material of a Sakuran community hero by the name of "にゃん", who was thought to only produce SFW content until recently, have been added for all to enjoy.
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Been away for a couple of days, was feeling a bit burned out. Anything significant happen in the last thread? Two matters I wanna put forth right now are, the exchange of rose and nijikr and the exchange of mion and fbk. I think both of these changes would make sense and ease the load on rose, though if they want to follow the nasa route and purposeful put themselves in adverse conditions that's their choice.
This is also a flagpost, I'm using this one cause I cba to make another one, if I think of something better I'll make corrections or something